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Best Robot Vacuums - 2024

The current Vacuum Wars Best Robot Vacuum ranking based on our own independent evaluation.

Roborock S8 MaxV Ultra Robot Vacuum and Mop with All-in-One Dock with

Roborock S8 MaxV Ultra

Details Coming Soon

Roborock S8 Pro Ultra Robot Vacuum

Roborock S8 Pro Ultra 


Roborock S7 Max Ultra Robot Vacuum

Roborock S7 Max Ultra


Roborock Q Revo Robot Vacuum

Roborock Q Revo 


Roborock S8 Plus Robot Vacuum

Roborock S8+


How We Test Robot Vacuums

At Vacuum Wars, we are dedicated to providing the most thorough and insightful vacuum cleaner reviews. This commitment is embodied in our detailed and specialized testing methods designed to assess various aspects of vacuum performance, from debris pickup and navigation tests to more complex tasks like obstacle avoidance and battery efficiency. We do not claim that our testing methods are the gold standard, or anywhere near true laboratory tests, but they are our best efforts at honestly and fairly evaluating the relative differences in these products from a consumer advocate perspective.

We have many years of data from doing these tests the same way over and over for hundreds of products, so we can easily spot if a product is much better or much worse than average. Each of these tests is carefully designed to mimic real-life situations that a vacuum might encounter, ensuring that our reviews are both comprehensive and useful to consumers. Here's an in-depth look at our robot vacuum testing methods:

Robot Vacuums we have evaluated at Vacuum Wars.
Robot Vacuums we have evaluated at Vacuum Wars. © Vacuum Wars

Suction Test

In our suction test, we use a digital gauge to evaluate the real-world robot vacuum suction performance. This test is conducted on max power, with the highest score (in Kpa) recorded.

Airflow Test

We measure robot vacuums' airflow using a digital anemometer, which calculates the volume of air passing through the vacuum in cubic feet per minute (CFM). Airflow represents the stream of air moving through the vacuum cleaner, carrying dust and debris from the cleaning surface into the vacuum and through to the dust collection system. Higher airflow indicates that more air is moving through the vacuum, enhancing its ability to carry more particles and larger debris. We typically measure the airflow in all the power settings of the vacuum, though our scores are based on the maximum power setting.

Roomba Combo J9 Robot Vacuum Suction and Airflow Tests
Roomba Combo J9 Robot Vacuum Suction and Airflow Tests in our Studio © Vacuum Wars

Our robot vacuum navigation tests are conducted in a household-like environment using a consistent floor plan for each robot vacuum tested. We do several runs on different power settings. This allows us to objectively measure and compare the performance of different models across various metrics. We test their efficiency, how many minutes it takes them to cover the area. We also test their overall coverage and if there were any missed areas or if it got stuck on any obstacles.

Testing Navigation and Mapping - Roborock Q7 Max+
Testing navigation and coverage performance. © Vacuum Wars

Battery Test

During the navigation test, we also log the efficiency of the robot vacuum's battery by noting how many battery percentage points are lost for every square meter covered on three different power settings, thus gauging its endurance and practical usability in real-world conditions.

Advanced Technology Assessment

With more advanced robot vacuums, we assess their capabilities as they relate to obstacle avoidance and more advanced navigation technologies:

  • Mapping Efficiency: Observing how quickly and accurately the robot vacuum maps the environment.
  • Object Avoidance: Testing the vacuum's ability to recognize and avoid obstacles of different heights and sizes.
  • App and Smart Features: Evaluating the effectiveness of smart features, such as scheduling, zone cleaning, avoiding carpet, 3D mapping, individual room settings, cleaning sequence preferences, room select, multi-floor mapping, no-go zones, adjustable auto-empty frequency, do-not-disturb mode, live video monitoring, find my robot, virtual assistant integration, dirt detection, carpet detection, etc.
Robot Vacuum Smart App
Robot Vacuum Smart App © Vacuum Wars

Brushes Evaluation

In evaluating robot vacuum brushes, we have found that the type and number of brushes often improve efficiency and ease of maintenance. We score additional points for:

  • Number of side brushes for their role in extending cleaning reach.
  • Dual brush rolls and floating brushes, which can more easily adapt to different floor types.
  • The presence of an anti-tangle roller.

Anti-Hair Wrap Test

In addition to an anti-tangle roller, a robot vacuum may also have anti-tangle technology built into the body of the vacuum. We test either or both of these features to assess how well the vacuum manages hair without it tangling in the brush roll. We test this by laying down 1 gram of 7-inch hair and having the robot vacuum do a full run on a 4x4 test area.

Robot Vacuum Cleaner Riding by Pet Cat
Our cat and the robot vacuum ignoring each other. © Vacuum Wars

Robot Vacuum Cleaning Efficiency Tests

Surface Debris Pickup Test

In the Surface Debris Pickup Test, we evaluate how well robot vacuums can collect debris on hard floors and carpets at various settings, ranging from fine coffee grounds to larger items like cereal. The effectiveness and aesthetic of the cleaning are crucial, as vacuums must handle everyday messes across different surfaces efficiently.

Our Debris Pickup Test of the Eufy L60 Robot Vacuum
Our Debris Pickup Test of the Eufy L60 Robot Vacuum © Vacuum Wars

Carpet Deep Clean Test

This test involves applying 100 grams of sand to an area of medium-pile carpet and working it into the fibers to simulate deeply embedded dirt. The robot vacuum is then given a set amount of time to clean the area on its maximum power setting. After vacuuming, the content of the vacuum’s dustbin is weighed to determine the amount of sand collected. We perform this test at least three times to ensure accuracy.

Carpet Deep Clean Testing the S7 MaxV
Carpet Deep Clean Test of the Roborock S7 MaxV © Vacuum Wars

Crevice Pickup Test

The crevice pickup test evaluates the vacuum's ability to effectively clean debris from crevices in the floor’s surface, such as seams and transitions. We use a specially designed testing surface with crevices of ¼ inch and 1/8 inch depths, and the robot vacuum is run over the area at its highest setting for a set amount of time. A perfect score is awarded to vacuums that collect all the debris from both crevices.

Crevice Pickup Test of the Dyson 360 Vis Nav Robot Vacuum
Our Crevice Pickup Test of the Dyson 360 Vis Nav © Vacuum Wars

Mop Functionality Tests

For robot vacuums equipped with mopping capabilities, we evaluate their effectiveness on both dried and wet stains using substances like coffee and grape juice. We employ black lights to detect trace amounts of stains and visually inspect the mopping efficacy. Additional points are given for mopping systems that employ spinning, pressurized, or vibrating mop pads for more efficient mopping. Robot vacuums that lift their mop pads when encountering carpet also receive additional points.

Robot Vacuum evaluations in our studio.
We try all of our robot vacuums' mopping capabilities in our studio. © Vacuum Wars

Dock Evaluations

We evaluate the features and effectiveness of a robot vacuum's docking station, awarding points for advanced features that we have verified are effective and helpful. These features can include:

  • Mop pad washing
  • Mop pad drying
  • Refilling the robot vacuum's on-board water tank
  • Dirty and clean water tanks in the dock
  • Dry debris auto-empty
  • Removable water-drip tray
  • Self-cleaning capabilities
Dreame L30 Ultra
Dreame L30 Ultra docking station.

Vacuum Cleaner Comparative Analysis

When we have completed our evaluations of a vacuum, we log and track the results. This structured approach enables us to compare the performance of each vacuum against others we have tested within the same category. By doing so, we can tailor our recommendations based on specific criteria such as price category, floor type, and features. This methodical comparison ensures that our vacuum performance testing and recommendations are objectively grounded, providing a consistent, fair, and unbiased framework for our analysis.

#NotSponsored Vacuum Cleaner Reviews

Vacuum Wars has made a significant shift towards complete independence by officially adopting a policy of not accepting free products from companies or doing sponsored content. This ensures that all reviews are based on products purchased with our own funds, thereby eliminating potential bias that might come from manufacturer influence.

Our latest Best Robot Vacuum competition. © Vacuum Wars

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