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Roborock Qrevo MaxV Robot Vacuum is Now Available

Roborock has announced the availability of the Qrevo MaxV, the latest model in its Qrevo line of robot vacuums, now for sale on Amazon. This release follows the model’s initial preview at CES 2024, where it garnered significant attention.

Roborock Q Revo MaxV

Roborock Q Revo MaxV Robot Vacuum

Key Features of the Qrevo MaxV

Multifunctional Dock 2.0

Roborock’s new docking station includes several integrated features:

  • High-Temperature Cleaning: The dock washes mops at 140°F and dries them with warm air at 113°F to maintain cleanliness and prevent mold.
  • Self-Maintenance: It offers automatic dust collection and water replenishment, reducing the need for manual emptying to potentially once every seven weeks.
  • Ease of Maintenance: The base of the dock is detachable, facilitating straightforward upkeep.
Roborock Q Revo MaxV Dock

Advanced Cleaning System

The Qrevo MaxV is equipped with a FlexiArm Design Edge Mopping System that claims to cover 98.8% of edges and corners with a precision of 1.85mm. The system includes a dual rotation mop operating at 200 RPM and features adjustable water flow, which can be controlled via an app.

Roborock Q Revo MaxV FlexiArm
Roborock Qrevo MaxV FlexiArm

Enhanced Suction and Carpet Recognition

The vacuum boasts a HyperForce suction power of 7000Pa, allowing it to extract debris from both hard surfaces and carpets. An automatic mop lifting feature adjusts the mop up to 10mm when carpets are detected, ensuring that vacuuming does not leave carpets damp.

Obstacle Avoidance and Navigation

Equipped with Reactive AI and structured light technology, the Qrevo MaxV identifies and navigates around 62 types of objects, including pets. This model pauses its main brush when close to pets to prevent distress. Additionally, it utilizes LiDAR navigation to create precise, real-time maps for optimized cleaning paths.

Roborock Q Revo MaxV Navigation

Voice and App Control Enhancements

  • Voice Assistant: The integrated “Hello, Rocky” voice assistant allows for hands-free operation without the need for a WiFi connection.
  • Video Communication: A video call feature provides real-time visual and audio interaction, enabling users to monitor their home and communicate with pets remotely.
Roborock Q Revo MaxV Rocky Voice Control

Revolutionary App Features

The upgraded Roborock app incorporates AI algorithms that enhance cleaning efficiency. Features include:

  • Temporary Cleaning and Skipping: These options help manage cleaning around unexpected changes in the environment.
  • Tailored Carpet Strategies: The app allows for customized cleaning settings based on carpet location and type.
  • Intelligent Mapping: 3D maps ensure precise navigation and tailored cleaning across different home layouts.


The Roborock Qrevo MaxV introduces several innovations aimed at improving the efficiency and ease of home cleaning. With advanced mopping technology, robust suction capabilities, and smart navigation systems, this model represents a significant update in Roborock’s robot vacuum lineup.

Vacuum Wars is looking forward to reviewing the QRevo MaxV, and at that time we will make our findings available in the Robot Vacuum reviews area of this website.

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